Eagle Aerie
Not every boy who joins a Boy Scout troop earns the Eagle Scout rank; only about 5 percent of all Boy Scouts do so. This represents more than 2 million Boy Scouts who have earned the rank since 1912. Nevertheless, the goals of Scouting—citizenship, character development, and personal fitness—remain important for all Scouts, whether or not they attain the Eagle Scout rank.
To make it to this lofty goal a Scout must have earned a minimum of 21 Merit Badges, including 13 specifically required in Citizenship, Communication, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Camping, First Aid, and more. Next, the Scout must demonstrate leadership by taking on specific positions, such as being a Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, or Senior Patrol Leader, or other Troop level responsibilities. And then lastly the Scout must plan and lead their Eagle Scout Service Project.
The Eagle Scout service project is different from other service projects the Scout has been involved in because they are the leader. The Eagle project must be of significant value to the community outside of Scouting (town, church, school, etc.), must take considerably more time than a Star or Life project (though planning and preparation time count), and must provide leadership to others during the project.
Since Troop 24 was first chartered in January of 2012, as a combination of Troops 1 and 35, there have been fifteen Scouts who have attained the rank of Eagle. Troop 24’s Eagles are as follows:
Austin Gennant
- Cub Pack 24 Tiger through Webelos
- Arrow of Light
- Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- 21 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned in May 2013
- Eagle Project: Designed, planned and led the construction of a sound system for his church, including the wiring of a mixing unit, microphones, and speakers.
Jared Teixeira
- Cub Pack 24 Tiger through Webelos
- Arrow of Light
- Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- 21 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned in September 2013
- Eagle Project: Designed, planned and led the construction of a hiking trail bridge in the Plainville Conservation Area.
Scott Friedlander
- Cub Pack 24 Tiger through Webelos
- Arrow of Light
- Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- 33 Merit Badges, Mile Swim and BSA Lifeguard
- Eagle rank earned on October 22, 2013
- Eagle Project: Designed, planned and led the construction of multiple safety enhancements to the Attleboro Police Department Firing Range, including the installation of over twenty neon warning signs, a perimeter rope, wooden firing structures, gravel, and a flagpole.
James R Stors
- Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Order of the Arrow Representative, Instructor, Troop Guide, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
- 61 Merit Badges, Historic Trails Award, National Outdoor Achievement – Camping and Conservation Award, Kayaking BSA, World Conservation Award.
- Eagle rank earned on September 28, 2016
- Three Silver Eagle Palms
- Eagle Project: Refurbished an inner courtyard at the Attleboro High School, to include replacement of three wooden benches, weeding, planting flowers and plants, installing 10 yards of mulch, and the construction and installation of a raised bed that will be used for special education horticulture instruction.
James T Scott
- Patrol Leader, Chaplain Aide, Order of the Arrow Representative, Instructor, Troop Guide, Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- 42 Merit Badges, National Outdoor Achievement – Camping and Conservation Awards, Kayaking BSA, World Conservation Award
- Eagle rank earned on March 22, 2017
- Eagle Project: Designed new musical instrument storage cabinets for the band room at the Attleboro High School, allowing easier access and expanded space. The project included the removal of the existing storage cabinets, off-site prefabrication of the new cabinets, including painting, transportation, and installation.
Cameron Griswold
- Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
- 31 Merit Badges, Kayaking BSA, World Conservation Award.
- Eagle rank earned on June 20, 2018
- One Gold Eagle Palm
- Eagle Project: Designed and fabricated an Information Kiosk and a built-in resting area for the Attleboro Community Garden, to include
the removal of two yards of sod, leveling, installing a yard of crushed stone, the digging, and installation of two cement post holes, the construction of the roofed Kiosk off-site, transportation to the Garden, and installation.
Matt Scott
- Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Quartermaster, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
- 33 Merit Badges, Historic Trails Award, National Outdoor Achievement – Camping and Conservation Award, Kayaking BSA, World Conservation Award.
- Eagle rank earned on March 20, 2019
- One Gold Eagle Palm
- Eagle Project: To increase the spirit and aesthetics of the Attleboro High School Band Room and instruments by raising funds to purchase instrument add-ons, such as trombone slide sheaths, brass instrument covers, drum heads, etc., as well as create inspirational music-related artwork. The project included the design, construction and installation of two storage cabinets, once for the instrument add-ons and the other for spirit flags.
Ben Siganoff
- Den Chief, Guide, Quartermaster, Assistant Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- 46 Merit Badges and counting, Historic Trails Award, National Outdoor Achievement – Camping and Conservation Award, Den Chief Service Award, World Conservation Award, Paul Bunyon Woodsman Award.
- Eagle rank earned on Jun 19, 2019
- 1 Gold Palm and 1 Silver Palm
- Eagle Project: Attleboro Community Garden Beautification and organization. Outside around the storage shed spread gravel and loom leveling out the ground, he built two raised flower beds 1 for each side of the shed, and inside the shed installed a shelving and hook system for organization.
Cooper Schaum
- Den Chief, Librarian, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Order of the Arrow Representative, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader
- 43 Merit Badges and counting, Historic Trails Award, National Outdoor Achievement, Camping and Conservation Award, Den Chief Service Award, World Conservation Award, Paul Bunyon Woodsman Award.
- Eagle rank earned on Jun 19, 2019
- 1 Bronze Palm and 1 Silver Palm
- Eagle Project: Built a potting/demonstration table at the Attleboro Garden. He built it in 2 sections. One of the sections was built to meet ADA requirements. This would allow any person using the garden to have access to the work station.
Matt Lavoie
Troop Guide, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
23 Merit Badges, Historic Trails Awards, National Outdoor Achievement
- Eagle rank earned on Jun 19, 2019
- Eagle Project: At St. Theresa of the Child Jesus he cleaned and painted the men and ladies rooms and updated some of the plumbing fixtures in both bathrooms.
Sebastian Myers
- 34 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned on Oct 16, 2019
- Eagle Project: After successful fundraising and donation campaign, Sebastian refinished 13 deacon bench pews, including stripping, repairing, painting, and reupholstering the seat cushions to match the altar chairs.
Robert Myers
- 38 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned on Oct 16, 2019
- Eagle Project: After successful fundraising and donation campaign, Robert designed, fabricated, and installed a large flower bed along the east side of the church and purchased/installation mulch and border stones.
Isa Siddiq
- 31 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned on Oct 16, 2019
- Eagle Project: After a successful fundraising and donation campaign, Isa graded and installed loose stone to resolve erosion issues and create a safer walking area.
Michael Shuman
- # Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned on ?
- Eagle Project: He built a 90-foot long boardwalk at Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary which covered a strip of wet and marshy area on the trail, making it easier for all ages to walk through the woods.
Connor Plante
- 29 Merit Badges
- Eagle rank earned on Dec 15, 2021
- Eagle Project: Connor built a pantry for the Attleboro community garden so extra produce could be shared with the community.