Saturday February 3rd
Candy bar fundraiser show and sell
10am – 3pm
Stop and Shop in South Attleboro
Merit Badge University
Every year in March the Scouts from Troop 24 attend Merit Badge University, hosted by the Old Colony/Mayflower Council. Running the morning of the first, second and fourth Saturdays, our Scouts have the opportunity to earn up to three different Merit Badges from over 60 offered. The event is held at the Southeastern Vocational Technical High School in Easton, MA and provides the ability for Scouts to learn about a variety of subjects, such as, Automotive Maintenance and Truck Safety, Animation and Movie Making, Robotics and Engineering, Chemistry and Nuclear Science, Theater and Art, Citizenship in the Community, Nation, and World, and Personal Fitness and Personal Management, to name some. The Troop’s registration can be edited until February 10th, so any Scouts who have not yet signed up may still do so, and any Webelos that crossover into Troop 24 can sign up with Scoutmaster Stors. Thank you to Kevin Schaum who has volunteered to be the Leader in Charge for this event!
Spring Camporee
In April Troop 24 attends the annual Spring Camporee event where our Scouts will be able to take the skills they practice at Troop meetings and put them into action in a fun, Patrol level competition. Skill stations will test them on fire building, knots, First Aid, and orienteering, to name some. This is a great first event for Scouts who recently crossed over into Troop 24!
White-Water Rafting
Troop 24 is once again planning to go on a white-water rafting trip down the Deerfield River. The Troop stays at the beautiful Berkshire East Mountain Resort in Charlemont, MA. There are two different skill level trips that our Scouts experience, based on age, both with trained river guides and lunch provided on the banks of the river. In addition, our Scouts get to experience the Thunderbolt Mountain Coaster, a combination alpine slide and roller coaster with 3,870 feet of downhill track designed with swooping turns, banked corners, rolling drops and 360º turns. More details to be provided as we firm up the plans.